Saturday, December 15, 2007

Yosemite Reservations

Who designed this?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Canon i9900 with Apple Airport Extreme

Arghhh. This pair is just not compatible in some way. The printer tends to flake out over time and the AirPort cannot find the printer. I would sure like to know which printers are 100% compatible since the Airport is a great solution for printer sharing.

Citizens Action Project

Although not necessarily related to software development, I have been working with a group that is advocating fairness in the real estate tax assessment process in Lake County, Illinois.

We just updated the website with more materials to provide information on the appeals process for tax assessment.

Citizens Action Project

Monday, December 3, 2007

Haskell on Leopard

This weekend I got around to setting up Haskell on my personal MacBook Pro. Since I have Leopard installed this wasn't as straightforward as the previous install on Tiger.

The Leopard install didn't bother to update XCode and related libraries so I had to take back out the install disk and update those. Next, I had a few problems with an older copy of gmp that I believe is left over from an install of Ruby on Rails but I'm not entirely certain. Updating with MacPorts and installing readline cleaned everything up.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

learning Haskell

I picked up Programming in Haskell by Graham Hutton from Amazon and have read the first couple of chapters. After so many years of imperative programming, it isn't so easy to digest Haskell. After getting the absolute basics, I decided to setup a development environment on my Mac.

The book recommended HUGS so that is what I installed first. Darwin Ports came to the rescue and it turns out there is a port available for HUGS.

After trying some book samples in HUGS it seemed like time to move on to writing my first script. I reached for TextMate and loaded up the TextMate bundle only to discover that it works with the Glasgow Haskell compiler or ghc. Once again there is a package for ghc within Darwin Ports so I proceeded to load up ghc. TextMate again proves to be one of the most versatile tools I have.